Summer 2020

Winter 2019

Summer 2017

Spring 2015

Maeve and her current labradory assistant modeling safe laboratory practices.
â–º We are proud to have participated in HexaPro development! Human trials using HexaPro engineering spike variant begin for a low-cost COVID-19 vaccine to extend global access UT News [link] and New York Times [link].
â–º Congratulations to Dr. Yimin Huang! He successfully defended his thesis and will be heading across the street to join Prof. Greg Ippolitto and learn more about antibody discovery. (Nov 2020)
â–º Triple congratulations to Dr. Andrea DiVenere!!! She won the best presentation award at the virtual Bordetella Research Days meeting last week, she had a great thesis defense this week and she has accepted a Senior Scientist position at Abbvie in Boston starting September 2020.
â–º We are very happy to have new grad student Alison Lee join us & grateful that she was ready to jump right in to help with one of our harder and more time sensitive projects.
â–º Lab members highlighted in UT news for helping with surge staffing at local companies working on COVID diagnostics and testing. [link]
â–º Congratulations to Kevin who has been accepted into a number of highly selective MD-PhD programs, including one at the Mayo Clinic!
â–º Annie was interviewed about UT efforts to support local anti-COVID efforts through supplying surge staffing and equipment! [link]
â–º Congratulations to Ahlam who was selected by UT Austin, then the US and finally the Nobel Foundation to participate in the 2020 Landau Nobel laureate meeting next summer. [link]
â–º Welcome to our new rotation students, Katia George and Juyeon Park!
â–º Annie and Andrea's paper showing that an at birth dose of the hu1B7 antibody to neonatal baboons can prevent all clinical symptoms from a subsequent pertussis infection five weeks later is published by Science Advances! (Feb 2020) [link]
â–º Welcome to ALLISON LEE and CHRITY HJORTH, ICMB graduate students who are visiting the lab for their winter rotation.
â–º Welcome to NICOLE JOHNSON, a 1st year ICMB student who is visiting the lab for a rotation and to REBECCA WILEN, a first year ChE student who has joined the lab. (Fall 2019)
â–º Congratulations to Annie & Ahlam, who were both selected to give short talks at the Keystone Antibodies as Drugs meeting (Apr 2019)
â–º A big welcome to DZIFA AMENGOR, a first year ICMB Microbiology student who is joining the lab to work on pertussis.
â–º Ellen and Ahlam's paper on high affinity T cell receptors to detect cytomegalovirus is published with JBC and selected as an editor's pick (Feb 2019) -
* JBC press release here and the paper pre-print here
* Daily Texan news article here
â–º Congratulations to Chris (& Liz) as he starts a new adventure with Levitas in California! (Feb 2019)
â–º Good luck to Elissa on her new adventures with the Spangler lab at Hopkins! (Oct 2018)
â–º Welcome to Laura (Azouz) Yuan, a first year ChE who just joined the lab after finishing her BS at Michigan State, where she worked with Prof Tim Whitehead.
â–º Annie's CPRIT high impact/ high reward grant was funded - one of only two at UT! [link]
â–º Congratulations to Dr. Chris on his successful defense! (Aug 2018)
â–º Edith's paper is published in Infection & Immunity. [link]
â–º Ahlam completed her preliminary exam! (May 15, 2018)
â–º Elissa defended her PhD! (April 27, 2018)
â–º Ahlam is awarded a 2018 NSF GRFP! (Apr 2018)
â–º Annie is featured in Science magazine's section on Careers! (Mar 2017) [link]
â–º Welcome to our newest lab member, 1st year ChE graduate student YUTONG LIU! (Oct 2017)
â–º Our work is highlighted on Live Science (Oct 2017) [link]
â–º Our work is discussed in the Texas Bar Journal (Sept 2017) [link]
â–º CONGRATULATIONS to Ellen who won the University of Washington Distinguished Young Scholars Seminar competition! We will all miss her greatly but know she has exciting new adventures ahead of her. (Aug 2017) [link]
â–º Five lab members headed to Orange County for the biannual ECI Biochemical Engineering meeting in July 2017 -- and Andrea won the poster award!
Media Coverage
â–º Evolution inspires anthrax cure, UT Austin's Point of Discovery Podcast, (10/21/2016). [link]
â–º UT News: Gates Foundation jump starts innovative malaria research at UT Austin (5/26/2016). [link]
â–º UT News: Anti-anthrax antibody receives FDA approval for use in humans as Anthim (Obiltoxaximab) after development by Elusys (4/4/2016). [link]
â–º The Alcade, UT Alumni magazine: Deafeating whooping cough (Mar/ Apr 2016). [link]
â–º Houston Chronicle, Whooping cough research aims to protect infants before vaccinations (12/25/2015). [link]
â–º Austin American Statesman, UT-led research aims to whip whooping cough (12/2/2015). [link]
â–º The Scientist, Combatting whooping cough (12/3/2015). [link]
â–º UT News: Texas engineers develop potential treatment for whooping cough. (12/3/2015) [link]
â–º NPR Academic Minute, Outsmarting whooping cough to help infants, 2015. [link]
â–º KXAN, 5 pm news, pertussis, 10/9/2014. [link]
â–º UT Know website profile on anti-pertussis antibodies (Oct 2014) [link]
â–º UT News: The hard, expensive - and exciting - work of developing a new drug. [link]
â–º Austin American Statesman, 12/26/2012: "UT, biomedical company sign research deal." [link]
â–º UT News: Nano-sized protein clusters adress major challenge of drug delivery (2/1/2012). [link]
â–º The Alcade, UT Alumni magazine. UT researchers use proteins to delivery drugs at home safely. (2/2012). [link]
â–º KUT’s whooping cough series, 4/27/2011: "Whooping cough in central Texas." [link]
â–º Daily Texan, University lecture series, Fall 2011 (Video)
â–º Cutting-edge Vaccine Research, AAPS press release, May 13, 2010 [link]

Summer 2022

Fall 2023